
Tourmaline prices rose four percent in the first half of this year , China jewelry

Related articles: reporters learned of in jewelry network , tourmaline school named tourmaline , main ingredient is Boroaluminosilicate , transparent and has 14 colors , with static friction . Currently the most popular on the market tourmaline produced in Brazil , only the past six months , tourmaline prices by about 40% . The jade collection expert Betty recorded introduce Tourmaline Collection heat , but there are also a lot of risk , realizable difficult identification difficult is the most important risk . According to reports , the composition of tourmaline complex silicate Mohs hardness 7-7.5 , the proportion of change between 2.9-3.2 . Normal circumstances , tourmaline raw materials elongated columnar , cylindrical vertical stripes was cambered triangular cross-section of the crystal , the raw material is very easy to identify .

The important identification standard tourmaline finished its hot , these charges can absorb dust , scraps of paper , such as the air with opposite charges . In addition, the purchase of precious tourmaline products , you can ask for the production of professional jewelry appraisal certificate of accreditation bodies . According to Betty recorded tourmaline just with the emerald and jade sales , the price is relatively cheap . Because relatively large appreciation of the magnitude of this two years 2012 view of the tourmaline price increase of about 40% . Tourmaline bracelet two years ago, on a mid-range price 1000 yuan, only it now risen to nearly 4,000 yuan . So, tourmaline is likely Following the emerald , after Diamond stir-fried , the next object to become the favorite of consumers and collectors .

